HLCL is an all volunteer, nonprofit corporation created to restore the natural beauty and improve the environmental health of Herrington Lake. The organization performs this mission by directing and financing year-round cleanup operations on the lake's 2,940 acres of water surface and 325 miles of shoreline. All of this clean up work is performed by an independent contractor. HLCL also works with property owners, marina operators and boaters to improve public safety, discourage littering and to provide information to the general public on a wide range of topics important to the future of the lake and its surrounding counties.
HLCL is the only entity, public or private, dedicated solely to this mission. It is independent of commercial enterprises and government agencies and is governed, managed and staffed exclusively by volunteer members. There are no membership eligibility requirements other than payment of annual dues. Because HLCL is a tax exempt organization, your dues, donations and other contributions are tax-deductible. HLCL members include local property owners, businesses, boaters and others who enjoy the lake and want to help make it clean and safe.